One way to view signs, according to me, are as the short-cut signposts of the Universe. One has to acknowledge that one might not always see the big picture.
Sometimes you don't see them. Then your best option is to reach for the better feeling and go with the flow.
The other day the man in my life woke up in a pretty off mood. He was present enough to recognise it, and to recognise that I had seen it. So, we did our little Tap o' the Morning with Brad (a simple EFT routine) wich got him in a slightly better attraction mode, mind you, just slightly. We went out to feed the horses... and he slides back into "off" mood and delivers the sour comment that we are almost out of hay, and why didn't I tell him yesterday because it would have been better to have fetched more hay yesterday and... and I asked him what is this all about? He gets it. And he calls the guy we buy our hay from... and it turns out he is still at home (we need him to load with his tractor), which is very unusual, because he is on his way to a small town in the inland. Turns out he is going to pass the place my man has just found an odd spare part to his snowmobile in, it is on the way. So not only could he load our hay in the morning, he could also bring the spare part...
This finally blew away all off-ness for the morning... and we got on with our days, smiling and connected. You've got to love the small things...